Help - Export data
The export data tool allows you to export the fee and stipend data for the students in your area of responsibility. Exports of fees and stipends are managed independently. Data is only included in the export if the data for a particular student has been 'Finalised and locked' by those managing the data. This ensures that only complete student data will be exported. When you export data, you can select the dates between which data was finalised. This gives you the option to only export data that has changed since your last export. Putting in a large date range will allow you to export all the data.
Using the tool
- from the home page, click on the export data icon
- select either fees or stipend data
- select the department you wish to export data for (finance and system admins may select 'all' to get data for all departments)
- select the session you want to export data for
- check the dates cover the range you wish, else you can update them to the range you wish to export data for
- click the go button
- the screen will update to show the number of students data was exported for
- click the download export link to access the .csv file of data (right click and choose 'save as' if the file opens in your browser rather than initiating a download)