Help - Import Data

The import data tool allows you to import fees and stipend data from Excel spreadsheet documents.

Before using the import data tool for the first time, please contact to discuss the format of your current data. After this either the import tool can be customised to fit your current data format or your data can be modified to fit an existing import style.

Using the tool

  • from the home page, click on the 'import' icon
  • click the 'import data' link (this link may be customised for your department e.g. import RKES data)
  • copy/ paste your data from your spreadsheet
  • click the [go] button

the data will be imported. If the system does not recognise the 'funding source' it will allow you to note the status type of the funder (e.g. UK Industry, EU Government body etc.) then add the funding.

You must ensure the data you copy is in the format agreed else the import wiill fail. Any data in the copy/paste that is not in the correct format (e.g. missing a student registration number) will be skipped by the import.

A typical import format is shown below:

example import